Piazza & Associates
Affordable Housing
Your source for professional affordable housing services in New Jersey
We are your connection for low-income and moderate-income homes for sale and rent! Since its inception in 1994, Piazza & Associates, Inc. has been at the forefront in the administration, monitoring and compliance of affordable housing in New Jersey.
- As an administrative agent and consultant for developers, landlords, non-profit corporations and municipal governments;
- As a consumer-oriented service provider to households seeking low and moderate income housing opportunities;
- As a resource for owners, sellers and residents of affordable housing; and
- As a trainer and resource to municipal employees.
Our office will be closed on Monday, October 14th for National Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, both of which are Federal Holidays.
CLICK TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO COME VISIT US: Appointments are NOT required. Walk-ins are welcome, but subject to staff availability. Of course, you can pick up an application, drop off your paperwork, call us during normal business hours, and email us at info@HousingQuest.com.